New Low-Power Solenoid Valve Technology Changes the Game
Details how a new generation of even lower-power valves is now changing the rules of the power consumption game. These products are of interest to designers working for original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and valve assemblers, as well as for end-user engineers - anyone who specifies solenoid valves for projects in refining, upstream oil and gas, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and life sciences, food and beverage, and power.
The white paper taps the expertise of manufacturers at the forefront of loe power selonoid valve thecnology. It shows how innovation is offering new possibilities - and challenges - via topics such as integrated solutions, clogging and other reliability issues, usefulness in point-to-point and bus networks, other cost savings, remote applications, and relevant industry standards. Finally, it suggests which characteristics buyers should seek out in selecting the newest - and most consistently dependable - low-power valve technologies.
“Choosing low-power solenoid valves for process industry applications presents several challenges. Designers and users must carefully consider such issues as orifice size and clogging potential, pressure rating and other physical characteristics, bus compatibility, backup power needs, and relevant industry standards before selecting the right valve for the given process industry task,” said white paper authors Fabio Okada, Jack Haller, and Manny Arceo – all of ASCO.